
威尼斯人平台的财产上操作或停放任何机动车辆是大学授予的特权. In order to maintain a safe and clear means for the movement and parking of vehicles, 威尼斯人平台 has adopted and enforces regulations contained herein. 每个业主/经营者都有责任熟悉这些规定,并对违反规定的行为负责. 停车服务部门负责执行威尼斯人平台的停车规定. 这主要是通过对违反伊利诺斯州理工大学停车规定的车辆发出传票来实现的. Citations must be paid or appealed within 7 days of the issue date. The regulations contained herein are subject to revision, addition, and/or amendment. 这些修订将被张贴和/或出版,以供伊利诺伊理工学院社区参考.


The primary objectives of the parking regulations are to:

  • 提供学生, 员工, and visitors with the opportunity to park a motor vehicle while at 威尼斯人平台.
  • Enforce safety for pedestrians and vehicular traffic.
  • Ensure that access for emergency vehicles and equipment is maintained all times.

General Information

大学不承担任何责任,照顾和/或保护任何车辆或其内容,在任何时候,当它停放或运行在大学的理由. 签发停车许可证对威尼斯人平台拥有或以其他方式控制的任何财产不承担任何责任.


停车 Permission

威尼斯人平台 has designated surface lots. Use of lots and designated parking spaces require a valid 威尼斯人平台 parking permit. 有些地段以电子方式或使用指示牌加以限制.

停车 areas may be controlled and/or restricted by traffic control devices. 除非另有说明,否则无论停车场是否受交通管制装置限制,都需要停车许可证.

每个在伊利诺斯州理工大学注册和操作机动车辆的人都必须持有有效的驾驶执照和当前的车辆登记. 威尼斯人平台 assumes no responsibility for lost or stolen parking permits.

停车 permits will be issued to passenger cars and motorcycles only.

购买伊利诺斯州科技停车许可证并不能保证特定停车位的可用性. All parking is on a first-come, first-served basis. The responsibility for locating a legal parking space rests solely on the vehicle operator. 个别停车场车位不足并不是非法停车的正当理由.

学校保留在紧急和特殊情况下限制停车的权利. In such instances, advance notice will be given when practical and as time allows.

大学保留移走或已移走任何以这种方式停放的车辆,以构成严重危险或阻碍车辆或行人交通的权利, the operation of emergency equipment and/or making of essential repairs. Owners of such vehicles will be required to pay all costs involved in removing, 蓄水, and storing such vehicles. 任何停放在威尼斯人平台物业的车辆,如果没有有效的大学颁发的许可证,可能会被移除,费用由所有者或运营商承担.

停车 Enforcement

All parking and traffic regulations will be enforced at ALL times, including evenings, 周末, 假期, and when classes are not in session, unless otherwise noted. 参考 执行页面 for current details.

The fact that a person parks in violation of any law, 而未收到条例或规例的违例/警告通知书,不代表触犯法例, ordinance regulation is no longer in effect or is invalid.


Vehicles must park within the indicated boundaries and marked parking lanes/spaces or areas.


No person may make major repairs to motor vehicles while on the campus.

追尾, 车洗, 或其他活动,未经校方明确许可,不得在校园停车场举行, 卡, and 停车 Services.


The speed limit on all university property, including parking lots, is 5 miles per hour.

Pedestrians have the right of way at all times.

Operating or parking of vehicles on sidewalks or lawns is prohibited.

Yellow curbs designate NO PARKING unless otherwise posted.



Any vehicle parked in violation of designated "snow route/snow zone", 当除雪作业已经开始或当天气状况表明需要进行除雪作业时, shall be removed from the campus in accordance with provisions previously described.

The operator of any vehicle must obey all traffic and parking control devices.

任何人不得干扰交通执法和交通管制装置的运行, ignore any officer's signal or instruction, 或者篡改, 摧毁, or deface any traffic control device.


Service parking provisions are established for contractors, 供应商, and the 威尼斯人平台 community to support university business. 在一般情况下, 除非另有通告,短期装卸服务可在指定服务区进行,时间不超过30分钟. Paid parking is required in designated permit areas. 为了方便主要的装载需要,需要事先与大学的停车服务处协调或批准其他安排. 泊车服务保留权利,强制执行许可证停车和限制区域的传票和/或车辆拖走,由业主承担费用. 

Disabled/Abandoned Vehicles

任何在大学物业内发生故障的机动车应向停车服务办公室(acaps@iit)报告.edu) or the 威尼斯人平台 Public Safety Department (312.808.6300) immediately. Abandoned vehicles will be removed from the campus. 如果车辆没有显示适当的州登记(车牌)或处于明显的失修状态,并且没有作出令人满意的搬迁安排,则应视为遗弃.

Overnight 停车

With the exception of residents of campus housing, parking lots are designated primarily for daily commuter use. 不论车辆是否登记,在车主/营办人不在的情况下,不得将车辆存放在校园停车场内.

Repeat Violations


连续或习惯性违反威尼斯人平台停车和交通法规的违规者可能会被私人拖车公司从校园移走他/她的车辆, operating under an agreement with 威尼斯人平台. 在作出令人满意的付款安排之前,这些车辆将保持不合格. 符合条件的车辆可以被拖走,无论在车辆被确定停放在校园时是否发生了违规行为. Repeat violators may be reported to their respective Department Head or the Dean of Students.